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The producers at Real Bean Entertainment held a nationwide contest for film enthusiasts to create a spoof of their trailer for the upcoming movie, LOGAN. Our entry is a word-for-word, action-for-action interpretive variation of the original movie trailer. The producers liked ours the best and included it at the end of their film on their 2010 DVD release. Our production may seem a bit quirky in places, but you are invited to watch the official trailer ( located beneath our spoof ) to see what inspired this parody. The original movie deals with a young boy who has difficulty gathering high school classmates to create a movie ... our variant shifts the theme to a young man trying to assemble a new group of super heroes ... none of which are very super, nor heroic!
Next we offer our fun piece that was the award winner in the 2010 video contest sponsored by Sour Punch. They challenged us to "Sour Punch" up a favorite movie ... so we hope you enjoy our MATRIX parody.
Here is another 2010 award winning production from our studio. The video short was inspired by a contest sponsored by a Left-Handed merchant in San Francisco. It reveals the sad plight of those individuals living among us that are clearly in their "right minds" !
Our talented actors have appeared in over 35 movies and commercial video competitions. You can see some of our troupe in the movies LOGAN , JOINT BODY and SAFE ZONE, as well as follow further adventures published on YouTube.
Here's a neat shoutout from one of our
"Joint Body" co-stars, Mark Pelligrino!
Supernatural & Lost
Star of Joint Body,
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